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Kartavenko Pavel

QA Engineer

Hi, my name is Pavel! Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I'm from Belarus. I am a QA engineer. Developed testing processes and procedures from scratch, being the only tester in the company.

At work, I conduct a requirements analysis and assess the need to change existing functionality to improve the web application, functional testing, smoke testing and regression testing to ensure the quality of the web application. I write bug reports and compile test documentation to report defects and problems to the development team. I conduct functional and non-functional testing of mobile apps for Android and iOS and the mobile API. Configured the testing automation process using Java, Selenium, TestNG and Allure to increase the efficiency and coverage of testing. I am currently developing automated test scripts to ensure the stability and reliability of a web application.

I am also involved in an open source project to develop a library for integration testing. I am a mentor for beginning testers. I am studying the spring boot framework, I wrote API service for learning how to work with Postman and work with integration tests. More details about my knowledge is described in the "SKILLS" section. Or download my resume in pdf format.