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Kartavenko Pavel

QA Engineer

Hi, my name is Pavel! Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I'm from Belarus. By the age of 30, I've changed two cardinally different professions. Tried myself in different directions. After graduation from the University I decided to devote my life to IT field. At first I studied C# by myself and then I completed 2 months of courses. But programming did not interest me much.

I met people from IT who had been involved in testing for a long time. I became interested in the testing process, and read R. Savin's book "Testing dot com". I searched for information in open sources. Completed a course on testing. I began to apply my knowledge in practice. When I realized that I was well acquainted with the theory I began to look for a new job. And practically in a week I got a job with a small company

I have been professionally involved in testing for about a year now. I am the only one tester in the company. So I set up all the testing processes myself. I adore my job, I understand the important role of testing in the development process. I like to make the product better. During the year I have learned many new things. Web testing, mobile API, mobile app, etc. More details about my knowledge is described in the "SKILLS" section. Or download my resume in pdf format.